Harmonic Pattern Plus Introduction

If you need to predict the turning point of the market, then Harmonic Pattern is the best tool in its kind. With our research, our Harmonic Pattern Plus uses the precision harmonic pattern trading as its default trading strategy with Pattern Completion Zone, Potential Continuation Zone and Potential Reversal Zone. Yet, there are many other powerful features built in together for your superb trading experience. This is a repainting Harmonic Pattern indicator but this one comes will tons of useful features to help you to make more accurate trading decision as well as manaing the trading risk.

  • 11 Harmonic Pattern Detection
  • Automatic stop loss and take profit recognition for superb risk management
  • Pattern Completion Zone detection for precision trading
  • Potential Continuation Zone detection for future price prediction
  • Potential Reversal Zone detection for Point D identification
  • 52 Japanese Candlestick Pattern Detection (optional to use, you can swtich on and off)
  • Automatic Channel Detection to go with Harmonic Pattern (Optional to use, you can switch on and off)
  • Multiple timeframe Pattern Detection across all timeframe
  • Guided Trading Instruction for professional traders
  • Pattern Locking and Unlocking feature in your chart
  • Even more, please find it out.

Below is the landing page for Harmonic Pattern Plus for MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5.




You can find “Quick Guide for Harmonic Pattern” from the link below. This article will explain the following topics about Harmonic Pattern.

1. Automatic Reversal (turning point) Pattern Detection

2. Custom Take Profit and Stop Loss based on Pattern Completion Interval

3. Pattern Completion Interval Box (= Pattern Completion Zone)

4. Potential Reversal Zone (PRZ) and Potential Continuation Zone (PCZ)

5. Japanese Candlestick Patterns Detection

6. Automatic Channel

7. Multiple Timeframe Pattern Detection (alert)

8. Steps to improve Trading Performance with Harmonic Pattern Plus

9. Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE) in details

Please visit the link below to read the full article “Quick Guide for Harmonic Pattern”. This article is only quick quide though. We also have the book: “Guide to Precision Harmonic Pattern Trading” to explain the important knowedge to trade with Harmonic Pattern in Forex and Stock Market.


Harmonic Pattern Plus Introduction

Harmonic Pattern Plus Introduction

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