Best Harmonic Pattern Indicator
There is no definitive answer to what is the best harmonic pattern indicator, as different harmonic pattern indicators may suit different traders’ needs. However, based on some common criteria, such as accuracy, variety, ease of use, and performance, we can introduce some of the best harmonic pattern indicators for MetaTrader. Let’s talk about some basics of Harmonic Pattern Indicator before we list the Harmonic Pattern indicator that you can use for your Forex trading.
Harmonic patterns are one of the frequently occurring patterns due to the underlying Equilibrium Fractal-Wave process in Forex and Stock market. Harmonic Pattern is typically made up from three equilibrium fractal waves. Occasionally there are few harmonic patterns with two equilibrium fractal waves or four equilibrium fractal waves. The structure of the equilibrium fractal waves in the harmonic pattern are typically based on the Fibonacci ratios. The main premise of the harmonic pattern is the repeatability. The history of the harmonic pattern goes back to the Gartley’s book “Profits in the Stock Market” in 1935. At that time, Gartley described the trend reversal pattern on page 222 of his book. The pattern become popular in the late 1990s (Pesavento and Shapiro, 1997). Since then, many traders developed the common interest in looking for the repeating patterns in the financial markets. The harmonic patterns were refined many times in several decades. Harmonic trader emphasizes that the patterns are not only repeating in history but they also follow natural orders.
All Harmonic Pattern Indicator and Scanner are repainting. It does not matter which company’s product or which price product you buy from. They will all repaint due to technological limitation. However, we have broken the technological limitation and created finally non repainting and non lagging Harmonic Pattern Indicator, for the first time in the world.
What does it mean of non repainting and non lagging harmonic pattern indicator ? Non repainting harmonic pattern indicator will provide the reliable buy and sell trading signal. Your market reading with chart is much easier and they will reflect in real trading performance. Here is the link to the Profitable Pattern Scanner, the first non repainting and non lagging harmonic pattern indicator. What is even better? This amazing indicator contains powerful additional features like pattern Completion Interval + Potential Continuation Zone, Japanese candlestick patterns, automatic advanced channels.
At the same time, many harmonic pattern trader still do not mind to use repainting harmonic pattern indicator probably due to the easy access. Here we introduce some harmonic pattern indicators with advanced features added. With many advanced features like Pattern Completion Interval + Potential Continuation Zone, Japanese candlestick patterns, automatic channels, you will find that these are the top products for its price. These products are used by several thousands top Forex traders from all over the world.
Now we will list the harmonic Pattern indicators you can use in MetaTrader in the order of their price.
1. Harmonic Pattern Plus
Harmonic pattern plus is extremely good product for the price. With dozens of powerful features including Pattern Completion Interval, Potential Reversal Zone, Potential Continuation Zone, Automatic Stop loss and take profit sizing. This is type 1 harmonic pattern indicator.
Below are the Links to Harmonic Pattern Plus
2. Harmonic Pattern Scenario Planner
With additional features of predicting future harmonic patterns, this is very tactical harmonic pattern indicator with advanced simulation capability on top of the powerful features of harmonic pattern plus. This is type 1 and type 3 harmonic pattern indicator.
Below are the Links to Harmonic Pattern Scenario Planner
3. X3 Chart Pattern Scanner
X3 Chart Pattern Scanner is our next generation Harmonic Pattern Trading Tool. This is non-repainting and non-lagging Harmonic Pattern Scanner as explained above. Therefore, this is the Type 4 Harmonic Pattern Scanner. On top of that, this tool can detect Elliott Wave Pattern and X3 Price Patterns. As a bonus, this scanner can detect around 52 Japanese candlestick patterns for your trading. This is the most advanced Harmonic and Elliott wave pattern detector in the market.
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