Pattern Inside Pattern Analysis
If you are a trader or investor, the Pattern Inside Pattern Analysis is the key trading principle towards the success. As a trader or investor, we are all here to achieve the benefits from the financial trading. After opening up the live account with a broker, we will be looking into the secret trading recipe or a winning trading recipe. The Pattern Inside Pattern Analysis is the key idea behind the the secret trading recipe or a winning trading recipe. So what is the pattern inside pattern analysis ? To start, recap some common saying from the business analyst or economist, they will say that the business cycle can repeat in 5 to 10 years. In another words, this suggests that the market is not moving with the deterministic cycle. We can only use the range of period to describe the cycle. Some people call this as rhythm. Pattern Inside pattern analysis is the tool to predict the repeating rhythm in the financial market.
The “pattern inside pattern” analysis (PPA) often reveals the most efficient entry for our trading. This was the third important guideline we have learned from the fractal wave analysis. This is probability the most important guideline for the practical trading. When small triangles make up the large triangle in the fractal wave, we can call the small triangle as the child wave and the large triangle as the mother wave. For example, in the large cycle, price could make a swing high by moving 1000 points up from trough to peak. The swing high of the large cycle is made up from many small price swings in the small cycle. More precisely, the swing high of the large cycle is made up from the triangle 3, 4 5 and 6 in the small cycle. Likewise, in the large cycle, price could make swing low by moving 600 points down from peak to trough. The swing low of the large cycle is made up from many small price swings in the small cycle. More precisely, the swing low of the large cycle is made up from the triangle 0 and 1 in the small cycle.
The book: Science Of Support, Resistance, Fibonacci Analysis, Harmonic Pattern, Elliott Wave and X3 Chart Pattern (In Forex and Stock Market Trading) is an dedicated book for the pattern inside pattern analysis. This book will provide the guidance on how to catch the important rhythm in the Forex and Stock market. With many chart examples for the pattern inside pattern analysis, we recommend this book because the book shares many fresh new ideas towards your day trading. The book can be found in all the major book distributors in the world. Please choose the best book distributor you like from the link below including, Google Play Book,, Apple Book and so on.
Harmonic Pattern is one of the tools that can be used for the pattern inside pattern analysis. Harmonic Pattern Detection could be tedious process if you have to do them manually. You can use the automated tool for your trading. If you are looking for the Harmonic Pattern Scanner, then here are some choice between repainting harmonic pattern scanner and non repainting harmonic pattern scanner. We present one repainting and one non repainting harmonic pattern scanner for your information below. The book will provide the guideline on how to improve your harmonic pattern trading with pattern inside pattern analysis.
1. Harmonic Pattern Plus (2014)
Harmonic pattern plus is extremely good product for the price although this is repainting harmonic pattern indicator. With dozens of powerful features including Pattern Completion Interval, Potential Reversal Zone, Potential Continuation Zone, Automatic Stop loss and take profit sizing.
Below are the Links to Harmonic Pattern Plus
2. X3 Chart Pattern Scanner (2019)
X3 Chart Pattern Scanner is next generation tools to trade with X3 price patterns in Forex market. With non repainting and non lagging algorithm, this tool can detect with advanced Harmonic Pattern, Elliott Wave Pattern, X3 Pattern structure for your trading. As a bonus, it provides your Japanese candlestick patterns too. X3 Chart Pattern Scanner is type 4 harmonic pattern indicator, which means that you can fine tune your strategy using historical patterns while you are trading the same patterns on live trading.
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